Red Birds

Today, I looked out the window and saw a Cardinal (or a red bird, as my mom called them). Whenever I see one, I think of her.

Passing a Message

The day before my mom passed away, this red bird came and perched in the tree in front my window all day. I didn’t think anything of it, as I was in denial about my mom being so sick, and I wasn’t expecting (nor prepared) for her to pass away the next day. But then on the same day, one year later, two red birds came and sat in that same tree–ALL DAY.  I was like WTF?!? I went back in my phone to check when I took the picture of the first red bird sitting all day in my window, and it was exactly a year to the date. I honestly, didn’t know what to think of it, and was wondering if my mom was sending me messages.

Ok Linda

Today, I saw a red bird in the same tree. Not that it meant anything, or maybe it did, but I thought of my mom. My mom was a writer. She LOVED to write. She was a published author who wrote hundreds of poems. Her best work was not even her poems, it was her written letters and prayers that I found. I never bragged about my mom. Maybe I should have, because she surely bragged about me. If I didn’t give her any updates to brag about, she would make something up. LOL! That was just my mom…that is who she was.

So, I started thinking…maybe I am a writer. I do love to write, but only for myself. I just never thought of myself as a writer. I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a book before, but I never thought past that. I see a lot of my mom in myself. I am not her, but I am definitely her child.

I wrote her when I saw those two red birds this year, but never thought to share it with anyone until now:

Hidden Messages

Hidden messages all around.
Open the drawer, another one found.
Another message, what does it mean?
Oh, this one here, I’ve never seen.
And as I read this one, I laugh and cry.
I want to ask you, when and why…
This one here, is a letter to yourself…
And this one here…
Was it for me to find after your death?
Either way, your thoughts live on.
Your messages are here, although you are gone.

-Linda’s Daughter

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