This COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is getting as real as it can get. Once the schools started shutting down, I was like, OK, now people are seeing this thing for what it is. Events are getting cancelled, conference calls are on the rise, employers are implementing mandatory telework, and the governor just banned any large gatherings. So, just save your outfit sis.

So, What is Social Distancing?

Some people are just now learning how to be by themselves. I been on this social distancing thing without realizing that is what I was doing, and I’ve found myself doing this more lately. So, if you haven’t heard, the term social distancing is limiting your exposure to other people to keep viruses at bay. It is just staying away from other people in order to avoid catching or spreading a virus such as COVID-19. It means giving people some personal space. To me it means side-eying anyone (from a distance) who doesn’t wash their hands and then telling other people that said person doesn’t properly wash their hands (Note: it’s ok to snitch in this situation). It means advocating for people to work from home. It means calling out the person who just coughed. Basically, just avoid the crowds.

Keeping to Myself

I have no problem keeping to myself. Just the other day, I found myself hiding in the bathroom—from my dog. I know that sounds terrible, but the point is that I’m OK, and slightly a professional at social distancing. Since, I am so good at this, I wanted to share some things you can do to be better prepared at social distancing in your own life.

So, What Can I Do?

Where I live, we are in a “wait and see” phase of COVID-19. If it goes on for too long, it can get boring or maybe even lonely. So, as we are waiting, here are ten things I plan do that you can do too:

  1. Face-time with family and friends (I love face-timing my nieces)
  2. Clean and declutter parts of my house
  3. Go through my toiletries and makeup bags and clean those out too
  4. Catch up on that Netflix series I’ve been meaning to watch
  5. Reach out to the person I’ve been thinking about
  6. Finish this project I’ve been neglecting
  7. Go shopping online (And then abandon the cart without purchasing!- No guilt)
  8. Start an at-home exercise challenge- ask your friends or to join (from their own home of course)
  9. Write out some life goals and figure out the steps to accomplish them.  WRITE IT OUT!
  10. This may sound like a novel idea, but READ A BOOK!

BONUS: Figure out where I want to travel next. Pinterest is so good for this. So, once this pandemic is over I’ll be prepared (with itinerary, budget plan and all that)!

I just want to add…it’s great that technology has allowed us to connect to people easier, but it also disconnects us from what is real sometimes. So, although I may be tempted to use my free time to scroll through my social media, I’m going to dedicate some time just to myself.

Have you been practicing social distancing? Are you working from home or avoiding particular places?

Don’t panic–just plan. Relax and enjoy time with yourself. Hoping this will all be over soon.



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