Daylight Saving Time

I was so happy when Daylight Saving Time hit. I love that it gets darker much later. And the weather was so nice all this past weekend, so I was on cloud nine! With the sun shining, and birds chirping, I wanted to live my best life. And I have been working out every day since last week because…Summer bodies are made in the Winter Spring! LOL. My entire being is just different when the sun is shining.

Flat Flat

I woke up the past two days with my stomach on flat flat. I been feeling myself. And, I deserve to feel good too because I have been bloated for what feels like weeks. My body has been very sensitive to what I eat. I have to do a better a job. When I am disciplined it makes such a difference. Endo belly is real. You literally need to eat right and not be stagnant.  I want to write an entire post just on this subject.


Have you all met my furry best friend Yoko? She went to doctor for her annual check-up last week. All is well with her. I was so happy to hear that. She’s been with me for five years now and I’ve appreciated every day with her.

Chemical Peel

I went to the dermatologist today and got a chemical peel. I had my first one six months ago, and I loved it. Your face will literally peel for like a week. It’s not for everyone, and it’s not cheap. Just don’t make any important plans that requires taking pictures if you decide to have this done. It’s one of those oddly satisfying things, but it gives great results once it’s done. More on this later.

Should I Cancel?

I have paused on any travel plans that haven’t been previously booked. I already have trips planned for the next couple of months, but luckily, they are short plane rides (no layovers), and I can postpone or rebook the flights if need be. So far things seem ok with where I’m going, but things are changing quickly every day. I just wish this whole virus nightmare would be over! Some people are taking advantage of the steep discounts and booking travel with the notion that, if they die, it is their time. I read that it’s more so the younger people who are taking advantage since the virus isn’t really impacting them. I can see both sides, so I’m just going to keep the trips I have, and proceed with caution on booking any other trips.

Did you book any travel pre-‘Rona virus? Are you still traveling or have you already cancelled your travel plans?

Events are getting cancelled left and right. The stock markets are down and people are legit scared. And have you tried to buy some hand sanitizer lately? Good luck with that.

Anyway, I just plan to be smart, wash my hands and mind my business.

So Random

This was a random post, but that is what I want Tea(Chi)ng Tuesday to be–just a place to catch on what’s been going on in my world.  I may not have something every week, but when I do, I’ll just spill it on a random Tuesday.

Hope you are enjoying the week so far!





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