I don’t just like water, I LOVE water. I remember about 10 years ago when I had an emergency blood transfusion (from fibriods…that’a another story), the first thing the doctor told me was that, if I wasn’t drinking as much water as I had, I could have died. I was shocked to hear this. I’ve always believed in hydrating my body, but on this day, I found out that water literally saved my life.

#1 Health and Beauty “Secret”

After that day, I became passionate about water, and I drank water with the intention of keeping myself healthy. I’ve also noticed that when I don’t drink water, my skin is drier. I can literally see creases that I hadn’t seen before. For me, drinking water literally “plumps” my skin. It gives me a glow from the inside out. It’s my number one beauty secret, even though it’s not really a secret.

Good for Hair

Water keeps my hair hydrated.  When I drink water, my hair flourishes. I am literally moisturizing my strands from the inside and out.  I feel my hair has more elasticity when it is hydrated.

Control Calories

Drinking water keeps me fuller, so I don’t eat as much when I drink water. So in a way, I guess drinking water keeps my weight down. It also keeps my inner system going, so I just feel things moving more smoothly for me when I drink water.

Rid Toxins

Water flushes out toxins in my body. I love when my pee is on the lighter side. I know that may be TMI, but it’s true. After a night of indulging in toxins, water is my best friend. I always make sure to drink a good amount of water after a long night out, and this ensures I can at least open my eyes the next day.


Drinking water saves me money.  This is so random, but it’s true. I don’t buy juices and sodas on a regular, and I mostly just drink filtered water. I will buy a bottle of water if I’m out and about but for the most part, I’m drinking water from home, and I’m sure this has saved me a couple of bucks.


Drinking water gets me through my workouts. This one is obvious, but when I drink water, I can go a little longer with my workout, and I can get in that extra rep. Water really is the sh!t!.

Feel Good, Look Good

I can look at some people (and myself) and tell when they are not drinking water. I see a dryness in their face. Water will just help you to feel better inside and look better outside.

I hope this has inspired you to drink more water. Have you noticed any changes when you drink water more or less?

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