I just placed another order for CBD (Cannabidiol) Oil today. This is not the Cannabis that contains THC (you know the stuff that gets you “high”). This is a CBD tincture oil that relaxes you. Do your own research, but this CBD oil has been a godsend for me personally.

People have recommended me try CBD oil for a while, but I didn’t try it until a few months ago and it has changed my life. With my endometriosis getting progressively worse, I am open to trying all types of alternative remedies to ease my pain. One of the remedies that has worked for over the long term has been CBD tincture oil.

The CBD Oil that I use is from CBD Living, and it comes in various doses. I suggest you start with a lower dose and build up – depending on your tolerance level. I place a few drops underneath my tongue at night and let it dissolve. When I first started taking it, I felt the pain in my uterus ease and my back started to relax. Not only did my spasms subside, I felt my mind feeling a sense of calm. One side effect that  endometriosis has that people rarely talk about is anxiety. Trust me when I say, that the physical pain links to mental anxiety. You can literally get anxiety thinking about when the next wave of pain will come.  I personally feel that the CBD oil has had a positive impact on my mental wellbeing as well as my physical wellbeing because everything is just more chill- if that makes sense.

This CBD tincture oil has definitely helped me and it works! Have you tried CBD oil to help reduce pain or just to help you relax?

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