I drew this picture on my new iPad. I wasn’t going to post it, but said whatever…things can only get better if I keep practicing drawing. I’ve been loving it so far. There is a slight learning curve with digital drawing, but I can definitely see myself doing more with this. I’m a little rusty with my sketching and coloring because I don’t draw daily like I used to, but I’ve definitely been drawing more lately during quarantine. I drew a couple of other pics, but I don’t really like them. I am debating whether to post them. Maybe I’ll start a gallery page on my blog later, so I can follow the progression of my drawings. I don’t know where digital drawing is going to take me, but it’s honestly just therapeutic for me…so if anything, I will continue to do it for my own relaxation.

2020…The Half of It

Anyways…I cannot believe we are over halfway through the year. This has been the weirdest year of my life. 2020 has been the most “un-planned” year EVER!  I had good plans for this year, but 2020 had plans for the world. With my time in quarantine, I’ve done lots of self-reflection. I’ve grown a lot during these few months, and I’ve had time to really count my blessings.

I know that there are people who are less fortunate who aren’t working, or who are worried about bills or their next meal, so I have been practicing gratitude and learning to appreciate the small things. We all have something in our lives that we are grateful for.


With all that is going on, not being able to travel or party is the least of my worries. But I would be lying if I said I don’t miss it. I was looking at some pictures of my vacation around this time last year (my phone reminds me with these pop-up photo memories), and I started to miss my days of freedom. At first, I was like, “This sucks! I want to be out and enjoying myself”, but then I realized that I am so blessed to have gone to the places I’ve been. And I am so thankful for all of the places I am planning to go.

With that being said, I have too many things to be thankful for. Although we are going through a pandemic, I can look around and say, Thank you for my:

  • Health, Mind & Body – I thank God every day when I wake up. I am blessed to have my mind, body and spirit. I am breathing, moving, and able to comprehend what is going on around me.
  • My Husband  – We have grown so much closer during this time…and he cooks!
  • Yoko – She is the perfect snuggle buddy, and I legit smile whenever I look at her. She is soooo cute!
  • Home – My best memories have been created here in our home, and I just love sleeping in my own bed. No matter where I go, there is nothing like coming back to the comforts of a home you enjoy.
  • Family & Friends – I am thankful for the check-ins, jokes, listening ears and words of encouragement. I love that we can still talk about the memories we’ve already created, and that we making plans to get together and turn up when this is all over. I am so blessed to have them in my life.
  • Financial Savvy – Being financially prepared by having an emergency savings account, living below my means, and planning for the future has kept financial stress away from my family during this time.
  • Technology – I have been using technology to learn new things and to stay connected to loved ones, so I am so thankful to have this during quarantine. It has kept me sane.
  • My Good Sense – This is different than having a brain. We all may have a brain, but some people just don’t have good sense. So, I am thankful that I am smart of enough to make decisions for myself…including my decision to stay safe.
  • Music – I can’t imagine a world without music. There have been many days, where I’ve used music to keep me on task. When the pandemic first started, I was tuned in the Instagram DJ sets to get me through the initial stages, and I’ve always used music as a tool to get me through moments in my life. So, thank you to all of the singers, songwriters, musicians, djs, producers and anyone who makes and appreciates music.
  • Faith – This is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Although we are still in the midst of challenging times, I have faith that I will get through this. So, for that, I am thankful.

More Reflection

I am an imperfect human, and I do have my moments…I actually have my days where I think I may lose it…but here I am typing this blog post to say, if you are reading this…you have something to be thankful for.

I decided to write this blog post, because I was complaining about something I didn’t like. And to be honest, it was something trivial compared to what is really important in life. And really, it is so trivial, that it is something that I can fix…if I just do it. You’ve heard the quote:

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

So, I’m using this time during quarantine to change things in my life that I don’t like, or I’m working to change my attitude. I’m definitely seeing growth during this time and for that, I am thankful.

What are you thankful for? Let me know!

Anyhoo…I think that’s all for now. I’ll check in later.




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