This post is so random…but I was thinking about color because I was playing around with different color combinations on my computer while making some designs.

Color is Fun

I love creating color palettes and mixing and matching colors to see what looks good together. In my former fashion career, I would put together color palettes each season. I had to make sure the creams weren’t too yellow, or the reds weren’t too orange. It was so fun, and I guess that is why I still play around with color on my own time…just because I like to see different combinations. Even with all of that. Black is still my favorite color.

I Wonder Why

I am always thinking about the most random things…like how do people decide their favorite color? I asked a couple of people randomly, and I got various answers such as, “favorite colors are stupid”, or “I don’t have a favorite color”, or “It depends on what the color is on”. Some people quickly gave definitive color answers, and a few named color combinations. I was secretly judging people on their color choices.

I think about color in terms of how it makes people feel. For example, with this blog, I chose turquoise as a “highlight” color because it feels calming, and serene. It reminds me of the ocean and it gives me a since of peace and release. And I love white space because it is clean and minimal.

For my wedding, my color palette was gray and yellow. I really just loved the combo. Plus, I love the color yellow because it just feels happy, and I wanted my wedding day to feel joyous. I don’t normally wear a lot of yellow (or bright colors), but when I do, I feel so happy! I relate color to feelings.

Psychology of Color

There are entire websites dedicated to the psychology of color. It gets deep. I just so happened read this Psychology Today article, and it was interesting. It is about a color test, and it reveals this about the color black:

People who choose black as their favorite color are often artistic and sensitive. While these people aren’t introverts, they are careful with the details of their lives and do not share easily with others.

Hmmm…they may be on to something…but they don’t know me like that! LOL!

Color Meaning

Here are some (positive) color meanings in a brief overview:

  • Red – excitement, passion, energy and action
  • Orange – creativity, adventure, enthusiasm, success and balance
  • Yellow – happiness, positivity, optimism and fun
  • Pink – femininity, friendship, playfulness and love
  • Green – growth, fertility, health and generosity
  • Blue – stability, harmony, peace and calm
  • Purple – power, nobility, luxury, wisdom and spirituality
  • White – innocence, goodness, cleanliness and humility
  • Black – mystery, power, elegance and sophistication

Businesses use color psychology when branding and marketing to consumers. So next time you see a company or an advertisement, notice how they are trying to speak to you through color.

What is your favorite color, and can you relate to the psychology of your favorite color?

Back to Black

Speaking of black…did you listen to Beyoncé’s new song, Black Parade? I had to listen it on repeat because she was saying some things that had me feeling all black and proud.

Take a listen if you haven’t heard it yet.





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