Today is the first day of December or should I say, “Chicember”. I mentioned in my previous post that my goal to is blog daily from Dec 1st until December 25th. Even if it is a quick check in. This is just a personal challenge for myself. So stay tuned as I blog through this month.

Out with the (New) Old

Today, I cleaned out my closet and put together a couple of bags of clothes to donate to Good Will. I ran across numerous items with tags still on them. I’m sure I had every intention to return those “new” items but just never got around to it, and I know I will never wear said items. So, I decided to just donate them. I guess I could have sold some of the newer items, but I don’t feel like selling and mailing anything else. I told myself that whoever gets some of these cute items would really appreciate them.

I took a mental note to stop throwing money away on trendy clothes, and invest in more classic, lasting pieces. I’ve been doing this more, but I just had to remind myself again today. This goes for jewelry and accessories too. Each passing year, I have less and less “junk” and more pieces that are lasting and more valuable. I am continuing on my minimalist journey…key word…JOURNEY. Maybe I’ll find something else to clean out next week.

For A Split Second…

I checked my stocks today and realized that one of my stocks (McCormick: MKC) split today. At first, I was thinking the stock dramatically dropped, so I started frantically searching the web for news to see what happened. It turns out the price was inaccurate on my trading platform because it was aligning itself to the pre-split price. Sorry if this makes no sense to you…I will literally be rambling like this for the next 25 days, so hold tight. LOL. But that just shows you how much I’ve been paying attention to my stock portfolio lately.

Had I known MKC was going to split, I might have purchased some shares yesterday. I still can purchase some, but I notice that usually right after a stock splits, it usually gains on that day (which was the case today). I’m more of a buy and hold person, but I usually check my stocks more frequently that I have been lately. This is why I totally missed the news on the MKC split.

Fun & Busy

I’ve been super busy with work and also Etsy! I reached 1000 sales this week!

And I also had some best sellers!

I want to thank all of my friends and family who were my first supporters and those who encouraged me to just try and see what happens. It feels good knowing that someone is enjoying something that I created. I want to do more of this. It’s been so fun making designs! And I’m learning along the way.

But I’m not going to lie, the holiday rush caught me off guard, but I’ve been managing. I feel like I’ve had bit of a creative block lately anyway, so doing the administrative and processing side of business is probably what I needed. I hope to get out of my “creative” funk soon before the new year.

I’ve been learning so much this year that I want to share. Some stuff is basic, other stuff is random, and then there is the “sharing is caring” personal type stuff…It’s so much, but it’s really all over the place. Sometimes it’s hard for me to gather my thoughts, as I have so many. Part of the issue is that I mull over what to share and end up not sharing anything. I hope to get better at sharing, so maybe “Chicember” will help me to do this. Anyhoo…

I think I’ll stop this post here and check in tomorrow.


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