Today is Wednesday, and it’s feeling like straight Monday vibes today. I didn’t really get a chance to relax.

I’ve been prepping the house for Christmas (my own added stress I might note), and handling other personal matters, so today just flew by. I even threw on some Christmas music as I decorated the mantle. I’ve been using the same decor for the past several years, so I didn’t even bother to take a pic this year. I can just insert an old one and it’s essentially the same thing. I keep things pretty simple for the most part. But trust and believe, I’m switching it up next year. It’s time!

Forever (at) Home

In-between that, I daydream of moving, but then I will I start planning for mini renovations around the house (we are doing the guest bathroom next). You can probably say that I’m all over the place when it comes to my house. Sitting in the house all day (well all 2020) causes me to analyze all of its flaws, so I want to either fix them or just move. We would make the perfect couple for the “Love It or List It” show.  I’ve been watching more HGTV lately, so I know I’m getting the itch for something more major. More on this later.

Mini Rant

I’m sooo over the post office right now. They have been “losing” packages left and right. I try and be a bit more gracious because I know the times we are in, but customers are fed up with “missing” packages, so that makes me irritated. There is only so much I can do with a “floating through the system” order, so I’ve been spending more time than I imagined just following up on shipments.

I think the unexpected rush took me by surprise, and I wasn’t mentally prepared. Things are a bit better today, but from Friday last week until yesterday…whew chile. I’ll have to prepare myself better next year. The post office should do the same.


I’ve been so busy at home (good busy), that I really didn’t have time to sit back and catch the sales like I wanted. Everyday, I tell myself I’ll go online shopping tomorrow. I need to place an order tonight, so will do that as soon as I finish this post.


I did not accomplish all I wanted today (including shopping), but I can always start again tomorrow. Just wanted to check in for Chicember. Until tomorrow…



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