Once again, I had double check my calendar to make sure what day it is. It is Chicember Day 3, so I’m sharing this throwback from 2007 when I was living in New York! In this picture, I getting ready to interview for a job as a fashion designer at JCrew and I got the job! As I recall, I was feeling confident that day, so asked someone to take a picture. I’ve been finding so many pictures lately from just cleaning up old files. Just had to share one of my memories…

Extra Planning

Anyhoo…I’ve started this thing, where I’ve been making my to-do list for the next day, the night before. It’s been very helpful because I don’t spend time the next morning making a to-do list; I just hop right to it. So, now I just get up and start doing. I try not to add anything extra to the list unless it’s absolutely necessary, because I like to feel some sense of accomplishment. I like to literally cross things off my list. I love the feeling of putting a line through an item. Silly…I know, but I love it!

Productive Planning

I used to make lists all the time when I worked in an office environment, but I kind of stopped once I started working from home. It been more of a (hot mess) free-for-all. But since being more diligent about planning my day, I’ve been more productive and a little less stressed. If I don’t get something done on the list, I just roll it to the next day. I’m not sure how you are staying all put together during these time, but I had to start consciously writing stuff down again, because winging it wasn’t working for me.

Digital Planning

I have been following the planner community (it’s a thing! and it’s a lot of planner people out here) a lot closer lately because I want to learn more. I applaud those who make planning fun. I never thought of planning as fun, until I came across a YouTube video, then I became more intrigued, and now I can see how it can be addicting if you are into the planning thing.  I want to do more digital planning though because it’s more minimal. I’m going to get more involved in the fun kind of planning, but I just have to get a few things off my plate first.

Digital Direction

I’ve been getting more and more tech savvy since I’ve been home. I’m trying to figure out the most efficient way to manage the time I spend online, and I’ve noticed that I’m definitely moving in a more digital direction. I touched briefly on this topic in a previous post, but I am starting to actually see how more efficient I’ve become.

For Example…

I installed this Pinterest plug-in onto my Chrome web browser, and it came in handy today. I saw a cute bag that I really wanted to purchase, but wanted to come back to it later. I figured I could pin it to my Pinterest board, but it didn’t have a Pinterest “pin” button to save the bag. But since I have the Pinterest plugin, I kind of just hovered over the pic and saved it immediately to my Pinterest board, because it links directly to website. That way, I can go back and buy it later. This may be real basic or even unnecessary to some, but still get excited about the convenience of certain tools.

I ‘m seeing little incremental changes in how I go about my day. These changes are making a big difference and saving me time overall.

I have two more things I need to strike off my list today, so will catch you later!



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