You ever wake up and think it’s a different day than what the actual day is? This has been happening more often than not lately. Like, I legit don’t know happened to the month of April…I mean I seriously feel like we went from Mar to May.

Because I was wondering about this, my phone just so happened to show me I read this article regarding time and why it’s been happening more frequently lately. The article notes “the more emotional a memory, the longer perception of time duration.” So basically, because most days have been routine with nothing significant happening, the days are running together. The perspective of time is altered based on what is going on in life. So, someone who is still going out and working, may see the days as longer, but for those of us staying home every day, it may seem as if time is passing faster. It all boils down to how you spend your days. For some people, one day is no different from the next, and then time warps.

With all that being said….my Tuesdays have been turning into Thursdays. So, I wanted to share my “Teaching Tuesday” thoughts I’ve been compiling before next Tuesday arrives. LOL

Innovative Social and Travel Plans

Innovations and new measures are popping up to help ensure people feel safe while traveling and socializing. Some airlines are enforcing masks and temperature checks, and I even heard that immunity passports may become a thing one day. The one thing I know is that incremental changes in how we get together are happening across the world.

Check out this restaurant in Amsterdam. They have quarantine greenhouses. Amsterdam is on my shortlist of next places for international travel…I mean they are showing they care. LOL.

But, I don’t plan on taking any international travel this year. There are a few places in the US that I want to go, so maybe in the fall or winter, if things are better…I may take a long weekend getaway towards the west or southwest. I still want to visit San Francisco and Arizona soon. I’m speaking hypothetically…because news about the pandemic changes…EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

Do I Really Need This?

I may break down and buy an iPad. I hope I’m not a statistic of the spendemic. I honestly feel like an iPad would be useful. Hear me out. First off, I’m finding myself doing more things “online” and remotely.

My phone is so easy to tote around from room to room, but the screen is too small and missing some features I can use. My laptop, is a little too big to be toting around everywhere, but does much more than my phone.

An iPad would be juuust right. Well, that’s what I’m telling myself. No worries. I haven’t ordered it yet. It’s just sitting in one of my many abandoned carts.

Is there something you think you “need”, but can probably be ok without it?

Random…Yard Work

I had some time on my hand today and trimmed my bushes.  Check out my handy work.

Keeping It Moving

I’m so proud that I’ve been keeping up with jump roping DAILY. This literally started as an Instagram challenge, and I’ve been doing them ever since. I didn’t know I had love for jump roping. My legs feel stronger too.

Buuuuut…..I cannot get rid of my lower belly fat. I’m not 100% if it’s my endo belly (note: my period is about to start soon) or if I’m doing the wrong exercises…or if I need to be honest with myself…it’s the snacks. I can see my upper abs peeking through, but the lower abs are covered by fat.  Maybe it’s just my body, but damn…I can’t see any definition in my lower abs.

And, yes. I know I ate a bag of cookies today…but still. I’m working on doing better. Don’t judge me.

Sell (Sale) Off

I know I unsubscribed from these store emails, but they keep popping up. Of course, everyone is having a sale and trying to entice the weak us with these tantalizing prices. We have to be strong…unless the sale is too good to be true…right? Retailers are struggling and they are trying to keep their company on the minds of consumers. I feel really bad for businesses big and small that are taking a hard hit from the economy. Individuals are losing jobs and companies are doing all they can to stay innovative with keeping customers…for some that means crazy and unheard-of sales.

It may be a while before the economy bounces back from all of this. I already saw that JCrew and Neiman Marcus filed for bankruptcy. And Nordstrom is closing at least 16 stores. I read that other retailers will be following, but I hope they find a way to turn things around.

So, I’m thinking I should do my part with helping the economy today and buy something…right?

What Else?

Even though I’ve jokingly talked about (over)spending while quarantining…I do hope you are using this time to save also. Although the 2008 Recession was over 10 years ago, I still remember people not being prepared. People definitely weren’t expecting COVID-19, and there is no telling what can happen 10 years from now. With that being said, I’m still contributing to my emergency fund and being responsible with spending and saving for future emergencies.

Ok, that’s it.



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