Hey Mama Hey!
Today is April 2nd and it’s your birthday
I hope you celebrate it just as you will
It will be a joyous day to fulfill
The best day you’ve imagined and dreamed of
Celebrating with all of your loved ones
Those who are with you above

I know you are singing and dancing
While twirling, bopping and prancing
You are wearing your best outfit
And I know your shoes are a big hit
Did you put on your big earrings?
Don’t forget all your gold bracelets and rings
You probably threw on a big fancy hat
And knowing you, a fur stole to match

After your party, I hope you relax
I imagine you reading a good book front to back
Whatever you eat, I know it’ll be good
I hope you didn’t cook, as someone else should
As your night comes to an end
I imagine you calling your heavenly friends
While laying back with a glass of red wine
And thanking God for a day so divine

I’m just so happy that you are enjoying your day
One day we’ll be together to celebrate
And until I can hug you and kiss you again
I’ll honor our time we had on earth when
You were being the best mom in the world
And I’ll cherish the blessing of being your baby girl
Mama, I love you and miss you in every way
I just wrote this to wish you a Happy Birthday

Miss Poonk

-Linda’s Daughter

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