Don’t judge my feelings
Right now I’m sitting here
Looking up at the ceiling
I’m scared, but not

My stomach is in a knot
I can’t explain
It’s not a pain
But a feeling of unrest
To be honest, it’s not the best
I’m scared, but not

Trust me…I have faith
But what I’m seeing in the news
Has me grieving after the views
Close to home, it has not hit
You know what I’m talking about
This virus shit

It literally has some people up all night
Even those who haven’t seen the real sight
Of what the world has really become
Just reading the headlines on our phones
Or listening to what we heard from someone

Please don’t judge me for my feelings
Trust me…I’ve been praying for healing
Because right now, based on what I’m seeing
We all want to hear something that’s freeing
Our minds from the current state
So, don’t judge me, just try and relate

But what I know is the world will go on
Just not right now, so stay at home
Maybe I’m just feeling frustration
About the world’s current situation
All I’m saying is
I’m scared, but not

Different emotions are in our mind
We’re not the same, one of a kind
So, you may not be feeling the way I do
And that is OK
Just deal with this time in your own way

We all have different feelings and thoughts
Some want to discuss it, and others do not
For me…I release my emotions when I jot
So please don’t judge me
All I’m saying is
I’m scared, but not

-Linda’s Daughter

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