I woke up relatively early (for me) this morning, and got a great start to the day.

Morning Routine-ish

I went on a morning walk, made the best cup of matcha green tea to date, and then I opened a package that I received from Amazon. I forgot what was in the package…(don’t act like you know what’s in every package you ordered for yourself), and was surprised to see it was the essential oils I ordered because they weren’t supposed to arrive until later this week. It was such a pleasant surprise to start my Monday with some new fresh scents.

Saving My Cents

So, here’s the thing. I was burning through candles at a rapid pace when quarantine first started, but as my stash was getting low, I started to look online to order new candles. There were plenty of candles on sale, and some of the scents seemed absolutely divine, but I felt my candle budget creeping up with each item I put into the shopping cart. Needless to say, I abandoned my online shopping cart that day (I do this a lot).

New Scents

Then as I was searching my closet for candles, I found an essential oil diffuser that hadn’t been opened. It was a gift that my mom gave me a few years ago, and I just never got around to using it. It was brand new, and already came with some essential oils in lavender and peppermint scents. I read the instructions and started using it immediately. I love it so much, and have been using it every day since. I probably won’t be lighting any candles again until winter time because this is my new go-to for setting the “mood” in my house.

Essential Oil Scents

So back to my Amazon package…The new set of essential oils I ordered came with a variety of scents. But it also came with a little cheat sheet of essential oil flavors and what they help to promote.  There are so many flavors to choose from, but I’m going to share the six flavors I ordered, so I can have them as a reference because I think 2020 is the official start of my journey with essential oils.

Eucalyptus Optimism, concentration, memory Stress, sadness
Lavender Cognitive functions, tranquility, peace, calmness, alertness Anxiety, depression, irritability, panic attacks, stress
Lemongrass Calmness, clarity Fatigue, confusion, jet lag
Orange Optimism, peace, happiness, confidence Anger, depression, fear, stress, irritability
Peppermint Sharp memory, concentration, clear thinking, acuity Fatigue
Tea Tree Strength, morale, calmness Stress

*This list is for educational purposes only. I am not a professional health expert.


When I use my diffuser, it adds an element of airiness to the room if that makes any sense. You only need a few drops, and the entire room will smell very spa-like. I actually feel a sense of calm when taking in the smell of the oil flavors. Using essential oils is therapeutic for me, and I can see myself doing this forever. I may be late to essential oils party, but I’m here now and I’m enjoying all the benefits of aromatherapy.

Other benefits of using essential oils is that:

  • The scent lasts longer and does not dissipate quickly as candles do
  • Gives off a lighter, cleaner more purifying scent.
  • So many cute diffuser design options to match your décor (Mine was a gift but I’ve been eying some really cute diffusers)
  • You don’t have to worry about fires as you would with a candle (I can doze off in peace)
  • Less toxins and chemicals than candles, so safer (especially if you have pets and kids)
  • Cheaper in the long run…it only takes a few drops with each use (you know I love to save my coins!)

Exploring Essential Oils

I want to explore the benefits of essential oil  more because there are so many ways to use them, but right now I’m just using it for aromatherapy and really just because I like the smells. It’s honestly very calming and decreases my stress levels.

Are you using an essential oil diffuser or have you thought about trying one? I’m using my orange flavor drops today, and it’s giving me all the happy feels. I’m glad I tried it and I’m a fan for life!




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