We are well into week 3 or 4ish of social distancing (I’ve lost count), and I’ve been talking to friends about what we’re doing differently since we’ve been told to stay home. I’ve been doing some of these things pre-‘Rona, but I’m just now trying out some of these other tips. We’ve been sharing more of the things we are doing to make our lives more convenient while quarantining. I’ve talked about self-care to fill my time, but I haven’t really touched on things I’m doing to fill the voids from what I used to do when I was able to leave the house willy nilly.


I can’t be hitting up the grocery store every other day like I used to. So, I’ve turned to grocery delivery services. The deliveries have been hit or miss for me. I heard Costco was good for food delivery, but every time I log on, they are always sold out of what I want. So, I ordered through Instacart. From my experience, the delivery times can vary from one day up to up to four days. You might have better luck, but just order well before your food is running too low. I have not had any luck with Whole Foods delivery through Amazon. I think this also depends on your location. Basically, order before you run out of food. Let me know if you are still going to the store, or if you have opted for grocery delivery or some other service.

Also, I heard some people are turning to their local markets and getting fresh fruits and vegetable that way. Just make sure to clean them thoroughly. Check with local businesses to see if they are offering delivery or curb-side pick-up. Don’t forget that you can still support your local restaurants. Just throw out the original containers and reheat the food.

Lastly, you can always order some pantry snacks to ship to your house from Target or Amazon to hold you over until the real food arrives.

Wine Not

I just placed my first wine delivery order yesterday. It should be here in about 2-3 days. I went the website Drizly to order. They have an app, so you can just order from your phone. The stock options depend on where you are located.  In my neighborhood, they only deliver wine and beer. I’ve been sipping on red wine…you know for the antioxidants…LOL.


I’m not sure if you have prescriptions you need to fill, but my pharmacy delivers. Of course, I set it up electronically for refills, so I can just press a button for delivery. It’s definitely worth checking into, so that is one less time you need to leave the house.


I periodically log on to this app called Nextdoor to find toilet paper sightings around my area. Thankfully, I haven’t run out of toilet paper and other essentials yet, but if I do, I can ask a neighbor. I’ve seen where neighbors have helped out others in need. Also, my neighbors have been sharing tips such as creative ideas to pass time, along with other hacks for staying safe.

Customized Virtual Gatherings

Zoom is good for group calls and I found out that you can change the background. During my next Zoom call, I’m going to pretend I’m on the beach by the sea. You can also upload your own background to set the mood. I love this feature. Zoom is good for larger group hangouts. Our family will be having a meetup on Easter Sunday since we are missing our annual Easter dinner this year.

I’ve been using good ole’ FaceTime too. There is also Skype or Google Hangouts if anyone is opposed to Zoom. These platforms are great options for “meeting” with friends and family until we can meet face-to-face again.


I’m a huge fan of YouTube. It’s just great for watching videos for working out, hair and makeup tutorials and basically anything DIY. I was watching one random video last night, that offered some good quarantining tips. I saw another video that was talking about all the stimulus packages from the government.

When you run out of stuff to watch on Netflix and Amazon, just know that YouTube has your back. You can even see virtual tours of places you plan to travel…as I’m imagining myself on my next vacation.

Group Text Threads

This obvious, but this still is my number one way to check in with loved ones. It’s quick and not intrusive. This is just a reminder to do a quick check in with your loved one to share a funny joke or to just make sure they are doing ok.

Challenges (For Personal Growth)

I started a workout challenge last week, and after Day 4, I stopped. I may try it again but right now, it’s just not for me. Instead of the intense challenge I started, I’ve settled on maintaining my daily walks, jump roping and ab exercises. There are other challenges besides workout challenges if you want to find a daily routine to grow in an area of your life. I want to start a creative challenge soon…I don’t know what exactly…I’m just writing out my thoughts.

The point is, there is plenty of time to try something new. And if you find it’s not for you, you have more time to start or try something else. And if you don’t want to do a challenge. That is ok too. Maybe the challenge is keeping your sanity.

Live Music

I told you all that I have been jamming out to D-Nice’s dj sets on Instagram, but I’ve also been vibing on Instagram Live to Questlove, DJ Suss One and DJ M.O.S. I’m sure there are other great artist that are hosting live performances, so let me know so I can check them out. I tuned into my first DJ battle tonight. It was cool. I just like to let the music play and vibe out.

What Else?

Just make sure to clean or throw out any outside packaging before placing it on surfaces in your home. I’m sure I missed something, so if I think of any other tips, I’ll update you on a random Tuesday.

We are all in this together, so if you have some hacks or tips for how to keep safe and sane during these times, let me know!


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