My friend sent me a meme of someone that appeared overtly happy in quarantine and said it reminded her of me. I could definitely relate. And then I replied, “Well you know…I am the Quarantine Queen!” Can I just say…I’m using this time to basically prepare myself to let loose when this is over.

I See You

First off, I’d like to give a round of applause to those who have maintained some level of decorum due to having to be on Zoom calls or any other virtual meetings that require showing your face with a level professionalism. But what about the rest of us? You know those of us who have absolutely no obligation to “meet” with anyone, and on top that we are ordering everything to the house…so we really don’t have a need to be seen in public. So, to those managing to just maintain a level of decency because it’s the right thing to do…I see you. Actually, let’s just give a round of applause to all…for keeping our sanity.

What is a QC?

Being a Quarantine Cutie is different than being an everyday cutie. So, what exactly is a Quarantine Cutie or a QC? It’s someone who although she is staying home, she is still keeping it “cute”. She is maintaining what she can with what she has. A QC will not “let herself go”. I mean, sure she may go all day “wrapped up” in her favorite robe, but at a moment’s notice, if she needs to, she will pull it together. A QC knows that quarantine is temporary, so the goal is maintenance…the enhancements can come after this is all over.

QC Skin

You should still care for your skin. Wash you face just like you would before, but throw in some extra care. I’ve been doing my face masks more frequently, because I have time. I used to only do my masks once a week, but I’ve upped it to three times a week now. And I’ve been taking extra effort to make sure I moisturize my neck and other areas that I previously quickly swiped over.

Don’t overdo it though. Keep an eye on how your skin is reacting to your new quarantine routine.

QC Hair

No, you don’t have to get your hair “did”, but you do need to moisturize and keep your strands healthy. This is the perfect time to deep condition, cut down on heat styling and to let your hair breathe. I’ve been massaging oils into my edges and scalp and making sure my ends are nicely maintained and not dry.

QC Nails

I understand you can’t get your nails done, but that is no reason for your nail edges to be rough or for your toenails to be scraping up your bedsheets (true story). Take some time, as you would have at the nail salon and soak your hands and feet, and put oil on your cuticles. Then file them and put on some polish or nail strengthener. This is the perfect time to just let your natural nails be free so when the salons open up, your polish will be sitting on a nice healthy nail bed.

QC Body

Have you heard of the Quarantine 15? I didn’t know it was a thing. Then I heard about it, and immediately said, “I will not be in that club!” I know the gym is closed, but that’s no excuse to stop moving. When the weather is nice, I make sure to get outside for a walk. I tried to do an at-home challenge that I found online. It was a fail, but I’ve been consistent with my ab exercises. I’ve also been doing some stretching and yoga, which I love. Basically, find what you love or can tolerate while home and maintain a routine of movement.

QC Foodie

Someone asked me what I miss most since being in quarantine. I immediately answered, “going out to eat”. I miss other things too, but food immediately came to mind. I’m actually feeling really hungry as I type this. I miss all the different flavors and seasonings I used to taste. I have to get more creative in the kitchen. I’ve been eating the same meals in rotation. I’ve been trying to make sure they are healthy as possible, but sometimes it’s boring…just being honest. I like and miss trying new restaurants. What new recipes have you tried? Are you maintaining a healthy eating routine? Let’s try and keep it cute in the kitchen too.

Lastly, if you aren’t getting all the nutrients through your food, now is the best time to perfect your supplement routine.

QC DIY Maintenance

When I say, YouTube is everything, I mean you can find anything on there. So, log on there to get some ideas of how people are doing at-home facials, hair maintenance, manicures and even home decor.

Now is the perfect time to try out anything new. If it doesn’t work out how you imagined, you have time to start over or to just try something new.

We Ready!

So, when the world opens up, we are going to be ready! I plan to step out with supple skin, swinging hair and a bit more tone to my body…I hope! LOL.

What are you doing to keep it cute during quarantine?

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