I’ve been having some pent-up creative energy lately that I need to release. That is one of the main reasons I started blogging. I have many ideas and thoughts in my mind, and sometimes I need to just put it out there, and let it go. Writing in general is therapeutic for me.

Where to Focus?

I am not sure exactly where I want to focus my energy today. I guess, I’m focusing it on writing…hence this blog post. I’ve been feeling like this more frequently lately. Some days, I’ll just create something, and then toss it to the side. I think the current state of affairs have influenced my influx of creativity. I can literally be doing one thing, and then will shift my ENTIRE focus to something else without fully completing the first project. Sometimes I’m in a flow, and other times I feel at a stand-still. One moment I’m creating freely, and then another moment, I feel like I can’t come up with anything.  I’ll be “feeling” my work one second, then the next second, I’ll tilt my head to side and look at it…wanting to rip it up, but then stop myself… thinking, I may like it again later. I sometimes ask myself, “would this be better, if I just focused on it more?”

Many Forms

I love and practice many forms of creativity (most) that I just keep to myself. I hope to start sharing more, so that I can release my creativity. I realize I’ve dabbled in many things that I thought I would pursue further but never took to the next level. I’ve used my creative abilities throughout my life, but have never fully focused on one aspect for too long (well maybe, you could say fashion design), but there are so many forms of creativity that I love such as:

  • Writing
  • Drawing/ Sketching
  • Sewing
  • Millinery (Hatmaking)
  • Sculpting
  • Designing
  • Crafting
  • Web/ Animation / Digital Art
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Basically anything visual…I love exploring any type of visual art.

Artists (or anyone for that matter) don’t have to be put into one box. We are many things.

Release It

When I was watching the VerzuzTV Jill Scott vs. Erykah Badu battle about a week or so go, Jill Scott said something that touched me. They had a conversation about poets who had influenced them. Then they talked about how they got into writing poetry. Badu went on to talk about how she uses art as a medium to release the things inside of herself. Jill went on to say something that really resonated with me. She said, “once something is put on paper…once you put it down, you have to release it to the world”. She was talking to Erykah Badu about all of her unreleased poetry. Jill said that you should just share it with someone, and not let fear stop you from sharing what’s inside of you. After I heard that I shared this poem with my brother (below) that I wrote.

A Creative Force

Erykah Badu once said, “Now keep in mind I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my shit.”
Then I said to myself, that’s just it.
She just said
what’s in my head

But she put it out there
Man, I swear…
I want to share

All that’s in me
My creative talent
But then I relent

I’m a creative force
But I’ve never been forced,
Well, at times coerced

To put myself out there
But it’s too much that I care

Creating from my soul
But scared to expose
my inner self
I should probably share
my creative wealth

It’s who I am
A Creative Force

I just created this without force
It came to mind
A creative source
And now I’m sharing it

Linda’s Daughter

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