I feel like I haven’t blogged in a minute. I was going to blog about Compound Interest today, but I just don’t have the energy to even think about the intricacies of compounding anything although it’s a very simple concept: Compound interest is simply the interest you earn on interest. More on that later.

I can barely think beyond the multiple thoughts that are swirling through my head, so the compounding conversation will have to wait.

Getting It Together

To be honest, I’ve been busy with Etsy orders. Check out this notice I received from Etsy!

Also, three of my designs even made the “Best Seller” list! So, I’ve been enjoying it. It’s actually really fun coming up with new ideas.

I’ve just been creating fun stuff, learning new design tricks, along with dealing with other personal stuff. For example, I need to wash clothes like yesterday. I need to get it together as far as my house is concerned. The holiday season is really picking up, and you already know that after Thanksgiving, it’s full speed ahead.

I’m even thinking about breaking out the Christmas décor early. I’ll just pull out a piece at a time since this is going to be the most basic Christmas EVER! I’m soooo over this pandemic.

Blogging Challenge

Anyhoo, I really want to blog more often. I want to be more disciplined, but I’m not there yet. I have many ideas I want to share, but I sometimes struggle to actually put it out there.

I’m actually going to do a blogging challenge in December. I’m going to call it Chicember” (yea, I just made that up). I haven’t worked out the details of the challenge, but it basically involves me blogging daily from December 1st-25th. I got the idea from YouTube. I watch these YouTubers called Vloggers who have a yearly tradition in December when they post daily up until Christmas. Even if I post something as simple as a “word of the day” or something new that I learned, I plan to check in on my blog daily during December up until Christmas. I’m sure I’ll learn something from this fun challenge.

Why I’m Challenging Myself (& You Should Too)

I like to periodically challenge myself for growth and improvement in certain areas or to just set goals for myself. Sometimes I do small challenges, and other times I create really random challenges. I don’t always announce my challenges to anyone. Sometimes, I’ll just make a personal commitment to myself to see if I can stick to what I challenged myself to do. It’s really just something I do to feel a sense of accomplishment. It’s good to sometimes break up the monotony and get out of my comfort zone. I also love challenges because:

  • I find challenges (once completed) to be fulfilling and it gives me a sense of accomplishment
  • It helps to build my confidence
  • It stimulates my brain, and I realize I can do more than I thought possible
  •  It’s often rewarding in tangible ways (although not always immediate)
  • I am more mindful of the things I am doing, which I feel makes me a better person
  • Its helps me to overcome any fear I may have (This is a whole topic in itself)
  • Did I mention…I really just love to experience the personal growth
  • I sometimes even develop positive, lifelong habits from my self-challenges

Personal Growth

My plan is to ramp things up in December (or should I say….Chicember), just as a challenge for myself. I’ve already grown a lot this year, and I feel like I’m in a good place mentally. I could use a little help in the physical department though. I’m not going to even lie…I’ve slipped a bit this year with my eating and exercise. But I just ordered a new piece of exercise equipment that I saw a friend using, so I texted her for the deets and ordered it. Hopefully it will jumpstart me to get back on track. I’ll update you once I’ve gotten into a routine. I don’t want to give a false review on anything. But I’ll let you now.

Anyhoo…In the midst of challenging yourself, don’t forget to breathe, relax and let your mind be free because it’s all about balance and centering your chi. (I promise, I did not try and make that rhyme on purpose. LOL).

Have you challenged yourself lately? If so, did you feel accomplished in the end?



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