Happy Friday! I wanted to pop in and write a blog post today. I had no idea what to blog about, but I figured my thoughts would just flow out as I type. I am still focused on building my sticker shop on Etsy, but I want to keep my weekly blogging momentum going because it is nice to have various outlets to express myself and share my ideas.

Celebrate Yourself!

I didn’t get any Etsy sales yesterday, but I woke up today with a notification that I made a sale, and I decided to have a mini-celebration. I did a little shimmy and then ran and told Joseph who gave me a biggest high-five as if we hit the lotto. We laughed at my lil’ profits and then I did a two-step, as I made my way to my computer to thank my new customer for supporting my small business.

Keep Going

I honestly was hesitant to announce on social media that I started a business, because I’ve started and then stopped things before, but that is life…well it’s MY life. Lol.

You have to keep trying things until you find what works. People may not always support you, but you have to be willing to support yourself. Keep going and if it doesn’t work, maybe you’ll have to pivot and try something else, but just keep going. Celebrate that you are even continuing to try.

Note to Self:

That fact that even one person motivated me to START is a win. The fact that I opened an account to sell and promote something that I created is a win. The fact that someone thought enough of my designs to buy from me is a win. The fact that I followed up with my new customer to thank her is a win. So, what I’m trying to say is that in the mist of building anything, I (you) have to celebrate the small wins to keep going.

It’s the Little Things

Small wins just feel good! They give you more confidence and motivate you to complete your goals. Small wins also help you to build success because you want to replicate what gave you the first win. These winning habits can become addicting, which is a good thing. It’s like working out and seeing results, so you want to keep up that pace. I’m learning more each day how to appreciate the moment and the tiny things that move me forward.


My mom always used to say, “The hardest part is getting started”, so I’m celebrating that fact that I started this blog and my shop, and I hope to inspire you to start something you’ve always wanted to do.

Happy Fri-Yay!




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