The subject of anxiety is talked about more now than I’ve ever heard people openly talk about it. defines it as an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes, which can sometimes be prolonged or recurring. I experience anxiety, but I’ve learned to cope with it. I never really talk about it because it’s just a part of who I am…just like I don’t talk about anything else that “is what it is” unless the subject comes up in convo. I’m not defined by anxiety, but it’s just something that is a piece of me. To that end, I’ve learned how to reduce my anxiety over the years. Here is how I cope with anxiety in general, and maybe these tips can help others in times as this.


Figure out what happens to your mind and body when you feel anxiety. For me, I start feeling my body tense up and sometimes I experience what feels like endometriosis flare-ups or pain. Maybe you don’t have any physical signs, but if you do, take note, so you can be proactive to help manage your anxiety. Recognize what is causing anxiety and get ahead of it.

Be Prepared

The number one thing that brings me anxiety is not being prepared. No one that I know was prepared for COVID-19, but with the knowledge we now have, we can prepare ourselves for the weeks ahead. For me personally, I feel less anxiety because I have an emergency savings account, and because I somehow had a face mask, gloves, Lysol and closet full of tissue on hand (before it became this hot commodity) in my house. I didn’t know the ‘Rona was going to hit like this, but just being slightly prepared has lessened my anxiety. And I am still prepping in case the virus goes on longer than anticipated. So, I’m still stacking my cash and living within my means, while following all of the suggested CDC guidelines (social distancing, washing hands, cleaning surfaces etc.) Just know, you can only control what you can.

Step Away

Shut off the news media. I love to stay updated on what is going on in the world. Unfortunately, the news hasn’t been that great lately. Today’s news can definitely cause anxiety if you become so engulfed it. When I start hearing more bad than good things, anxiety can creep in. So, sometimes I literally just step away from any media outlets, even if it’s means stepping away from reality. If you can’t step away completely, just take an intentional break for a few hours each day–from the news and social media.

Move Forward

When I develop anxiety about something, I’ll sometimes freeze up and do nothing. And then I regret it later. Anxiety is just worrying about future events, which sometimes we have no control of. But for things, I can control, I literally just have to make myself do it (I will literally say to myself, “get your ass up”). If I continue avoiding it, it just makes my anxiety worse. For me, it’s better to just go ahead and deal with the things I can control.

Health & Love (For Self)

Basically, being healthy and practicing self-care does wonders for anxiety. I wrote a post about ways I practice self-care, and I do this because it makes me feel better. But, it’s important to have a healthy routine when dealing with anxiety. This includes treating yourself with love, getting sleep, not eating a bunch of junk food, and avoiding putting bad things into your body. Do I practice this all the time? That would be a big NO. We are all imperfect humans. I’m not saying you should be on point all day every day, because giving yourself grace is also a part of self-love. Just being mindful of what I do for myself helps with my anxiety. So, basically, show yourself some love.

Try and Relax

For me, stretching or yoga relaxes me. Sometimes, I will just get on the floor and bend my body to release tension. I have not mastered meditation, but I do take time to breathe to help relax my body. Praying and just counting my blessings is one of the main ways I deal with any anxiety I have. I will literally write down my blessings if I need to. Sometimes I need to see them written out, just so I can see how blessed I am (I’m a visual person). Besides that, other ways I relax is lighting a candle, listening to music or writing. Cleaning is also relaxing for me. So, find whatever relaxes you.

Get Help

If you are feeling really overwhelmed, and feel that your own coping mechanisms aren’t working, it may be time to talk to a professional. Even though the world is practicing social distancing right now, there are online resources to find doctors and therapist that make seeking help easier than ever.

These are just some things that work for me, and they may not work for others because everyone is different. There are varying degrees and triggers of anxiety, so it takes time and effort to figure out what works. Keep trying different and healthy ways of coping during these times until you figure out what works for you. There is nothing wrong with talking about your feelings and making others (including a professional) aware.

It’s ok to accept if you are experiencing anxiety because then you can better work on controlling it. It’s also important to not let fear control how you live. And lastly, don’t forget to check on your friends and family!


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