When you have no choice but to be home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s best that you start treating yourself with care. Not that you aren’t already, but a little extra something for yourself is all you need. Well, that’s what I’m telling myself.

Self care is so important in times as this. I’m going to dedicate an at-home “spa” week that is just for me to take extra care of myself. Here are some things I am doing:

Workout (with YouTube)

I use YouTube to learn anything. I feel that YouTube workout videos are just as effective as someone who is charging $100 per session <shrugs>. It works for me, but the key is self-discipline. I am sure that some personal trainers are worth the money, especially if you aren’t disciplined or just don’t know where to start. And I definitely get if you have a specific goal, and what you are doing isn’t working. But for me and what I need, YouTube is just fine. In addition to at-home workout routines, try and get in a walk just to get some fresh air, or simply take time to stretch your body.

Light a Candle

I have plenty of candles to burn. I don’t know if I have a “I like to burn candles” look on my face, or if I mentioned candles in conversation because friends stay buying them for me. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate them and actually use them. So, I will be creating some ambiance this week by lighting scented candle to fit my mood.

At-Home Facial

I love making and using masks on my skin. I use Aztec Secret to create variations of my mask. Sometimes, I keep it simple and just mix it with water. Other times, I’ll add some apple cider vinegar and turmeric powder. It really just depends on my mood.

You can look up different home-made mask recipes and try them out. There are so many mask options including sheet masks. Just make sure your skin can tolerate whatever you put on it.

Clean Up Eyebrows

My eyebrows have been looking real “quarantinish” lately. So, I need to take my facial razor and clean them up. I haven’t let them get too out of hand, so I can still see the shape or rather the arch in my brow. If I wait any longer, the shape that I usually follow will soon fade. I need to prioritize this one.


I’m not getting my nails done anytime soon. I’m pretty good at filing and shaping my own nails. I can paint my own nails but they may not be perfect, but it will do…they actually look good if you are not staring too hard at them.  Right now, my nails are really long and need to be shaped…like yesterday.  So, I’m going to file my nails into a cute coffin nail shape and put on some clear nail polish.  My toes are still holding on, so I’ll tackle them a little later this week.

Love My Hair

Now is a perfect time to try products on your hair. I’ve been using Wild Growth Oil on my hair. I’m going to put that on my scalp and then add some Jamaican Black Castor Oil to my edges. My strands are really fine, so I have to give them extra care and figure out what I can do to keep my hair as healthy as possible. I also made a concoction of shea butter with coconut oil to moisturize my strands. I’ll let you know if helps my hair.

Watch a Comedy

When I need to get out of my own head, I like to watch comedies. I like stand-up, romance (rom-coms), and chick flick comedies. I’ve been watching all kinds of random stuff this week, but it’s time for a good comedy. Laughing also has great benefits such as it boosts your immune system. This is important now more than ever!  I’ll definitely get one in this week.

Say No

Most of us can’t do anything anyway, so now is the perfect time to learn to say no to things you absolutely don’t want to do. For instance, I’m not letting my dog punk me into giving her treats anymore. Today, is the day I say No! But in all seriousness, learning to say No is a great skill to learn.

Dance to the Music

Yep, believe it or not, I’m a great dancer. Ok…I just have a serious two step. The point is to dance like no one is watching. You can practice your twerk or even learn one of those TikTok routines. Not to mention, there are some great DJs spinning online everyday. Just have fun with yourself. And if someone happens to walk in on you, just keep dancing like no one is watching.

Take Vitamins

I’m making sure that I’m staying up on my Vitamin C, as well as the other supplements, including my CBD. I’m actually going to make some immune booster shots this week. There are all sorts of recipes online for this, so I’m going to find a good one and make a batch for the entire week. I will definitely use some ginger and lemon in my immune booster recipe.

Drink Water

I actually love warm (well hot) water. Some people find it really weird, but I find it cleansing. Any temperature of water is great for your body but I like it hot. If you don’t like drinking plain water, try squeezing lemon into your glass. Just find a way to get water into your daily routine.

Wine Time

Relaxing with a glass of wine after everything you’ve done for yourself is very rewarding. I plan to kick back and relax with a nice cabernet. What is your favorite wine?

What are you doing to give yourself extra love this week? Whatever it is, it should be something that makes you smile, laugh, relax or provide a sense of peace.

I hope everyone is staying safe inside.




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