It’s Election Day! I don’t know if that just came off as excitement, but that is definitely not my mood today. I feel more chill today. I’ve done my part, and whatever happens, happens. And whatever the outcome, I still have to go on tomorrow living my best life. I know some people have been experiencing anxiety because of the election, but I honestly just haven’t immersed myself into politics over the last couple of days. I was feeling anxious for a while, but after I voted early (I actually drove to the Board of Elections building because my ballot was “lost”), and checked to make sure those around me voted, I felt better and less on edge. We must remember to focus on our community efforts and work our way up. There are literally levels to this politics thing.

Checking In

But this blog post isn’t about the election or politics. I just wanted to check in because I feel like it’s been a minute since I’ve updated my blog. The longer I am home, the less I have to blog about because things are becoming very routine. I have learned a lot of new things, which I could share, but that takes more planned and structured writing, which I haven’t been in the mood for. I’m honestly ready to break this pandemic monotony. I’m sure that will happen soon enough, so I am just trying to enjoy the time that I’ve been spending at home, because once everything gets back on a roll, I’M ROLLING! Lol!


I really feel that I’ve made the most out of this year. My family has grown closer, I’ve grown spiritually, my hair has grown, and my body has also grown a bit (and not in a good way…but I’m going get it together!). Oh, and I’ve grown my small business! Growth all around…LOL!

Celebrate (The Small Stuff)

Speaking of growing my business, I just hit 200 sales on Etsy! My goal was to make 200 sales by November 1st and I did it!  Woohoo! I was so excited to hit this goal. I’m learning to celebrate the small wins more often because that keeps me going. My new goal is to make 300 sales by December 1st. Things seem to be on track. The best part of this, is that I’m having fun while also seeing growth. I’m just excited that this year has allowed me time to take the plunge and start my small business, while learning new things. It’s so fun, and I’m actually thinking about officially opening a second Etsy shop that caters to different market. If that launches, I’ll let you know. I’ve been toying around with some ideas. I just love creating stuff, but creating takes time.

So Many Ideas

I’ll admit, I have a problem doing the same things over and over again. I’ll even admit at times, I lack focus. I don’t even like watching the same movie twice. I like to try and do new things, but I bet if I were more focused, I could take things further. Excuse me, if this blog post is over the place. I’m just doing a brain dump at this point. I just have so many ideas in my head and I want to do everything, but they way my time set up, I need to focus. Maybe I’m just having fun making stuff, but I feel like the days for going faster than ever. I mean, November is here already, and I legit forget what happened from August to October. Maybe it’s just me.

Too Soon?

I think I’m going to put up my Christmas decorations early this year. I’m already feeling the cozy vibes. I guess I can wait until after Thanksgiving. I usually travel every year for the month of December, and this will be my first year that I’m not traveling, so I’m bummed about that. I’m usually not pressed to decorate, but this year is special in so many ways, so I feel like decorating is necessary.

Online Shopping

Completely random…I keep seeing the cutest stuff online. I have practiced so much restraint when it comes to online shopping. I keep asking myself, “but where are you going?” But then I tell myself, “if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready”. It’s like an angel and devil on each shoulder guiding me to shop or not.  I’ve come to a compromise though, and I have only been focused on buying “practical” or timeless items. I’ve been looking at a lot of jewelry lately too…I’m going through a fine jewelry phase. I honestly miss dressing up. These lounge clothes are getting tired. Have you been doing more or less online shopping since the pandemic started?

Personal Plans

I have a bunch of personal projects that I am working on, so I’m trying to figure out a better way to manage my time. I’ve heard some people say, it feel like there is more work since working from home. I wonder if it’s just the lack of a structured day that is making “more” work. I feel like this some days. I’m going to really get into planning my day better. I’ve been using my iPad to write out my to-do lists, so I think I will continue doing that going forward. I actually love it! It’s just more fun to plan on my iPad. Stay tuned for my “getting my life together” series in the future.

Ok, that’s’ all randomness I have to today.


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