I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a slight bit of anxiety today. Thank God for friends and family who send funny jokes and check in on one another. I was watching the news today, and they said that today is Day 2 of the COVID-19 quarantine. I was like…huh? Nah…it’s been at least five days! Well it feels that way to me. And at the rate I’m going (with mindless activities and random snacking), something has to change.

I went on another two mile walk today, which was nice. The trees and flowers are blooming more each day. And, I’m starting to see more people walking around my neighborhood. I think this is really cool as long as they keep their distance.

After my walk,  I continued with my at-home ab exercises. So, I want to keep this momentum going.

Amazon Shopping

I need to disconnect my Amazon app from my phone. I’ve been ordering stuff online and pretending I don’t know who ordered it when I’m met with a side-eye. I just read an article that Amazon is going to slow delivery on non-essential items because the volume has been too much. They are hiring more workers due to the online ordering surge…so I may or may not be part of the reason they made this decision. Anyhoo, I have been finding that I am almost empty of certain items more frequently now (or perhaps I’m just looking for reason to order something out of boredom). I need to stop.  I just order things here and there as I’m roaming the house (that doesn’t sound right), so I’m going to chill.


We have been cooking at home. We had (Beyond Meat) burgers, salad and fries tonight. It was so good. Did I mention that my husband is chef? Ok, he is not a chef, but he can cook. Like he’s a cook cook. Maybe it’s my lack of cooking skills that make him seem so good at cooking, but to me he has a gift. Maybe I’ll ask him to do a guest cooking post one day.

I didn’t realize how much we ate out until we cooked two days in row. And I started washing dishes more. We should definitely keep this going after this virus fiasco is over with. We can save a lot of money. Not to mention, it tastes just as good if not better than the restaurants.

Less is More (Time)

I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t have a lot of stuff in my house because I don’t like taking care of a lot of stuff. I find it so easy to clean and wipe down my bare surfaces. Maybe I’m just lazy and don’t like cleaning between and behind stuff. I actually love cleaning, but I don’t like wasting unnecessary time on things and tasks (such as cleaning) that can be done faster.

I’ve always kept the main living areas of my home clutter-free but other areas in my home can use some improvement…such as my clothes and accessories. Over the next week or so, I’m going to go through and clear out some things. This will be a great project to kick off my Spring cleaning! I’ll let you know how that goes.


The stock market is crazy right now! Ok, it’s basically gone to shit. The stock market was on a roll up until now. Seeing my portfolio in the red is not cute. I’ve never lost so much money at once. But I’m in it for the long haul, so I know eventually it will bounce back.

My online brokerage firm, TD Ameritrade, is hosting online seminars about investing, so I may tune into some of those tomorrow to see what the experts are talking about.  Now is the time to learn something new, so I figured learning more about the stock market tomorrow is a great quarantine event.


I mentioned in a previous Tea(Chi)ng Tuesday post that I had travel plans that I had not canceled yet. Well…those are canceled now.

This brings me to the subject of booking direct with airlines, hotels and whoever else versus booking with a third-party company. I have to dedicate more time on this subject. But basically, if possible, always book direct because it makes canceling (if need be) so much easier than dealing with a third party.

Oh, and trust, I’m already planning where I am going after this is over. It will be somewhere really nice. I’ve already dedicated a savings account just for this, so once I get the green light, I’m out. I deserve it!

What Else?

I want to start talking more about hair and beauty soon. But I’ll get back to that later. It just crossed my mind since I just washed my hair and I’m wearing it natural.

Ok. That’s it for now.






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