We are well into our second week of our “new world” since we’ve been advised to stay home due to Coronavirus.

I am still doing ok with keeping my sanity while social distancing. As I’ve noted, I’m somewhat of a professional when it comes to this. I really miss going out to eat, but our at-home meals are getting better by the day (and we’re saving money). So, I am just counting my blessings, as I patiently wait for this to all pass.

Still Walking

I am proud to report that I am continuing with my daily walks. I have started jogging part of the way just to switch things up a bit. Since the sun is setting later each day, I’ve been walking a little later in the evening because it’s not as many people out. I was getting concerned for a minute because I felt it was too many people walking at once. But then I figured this walking thing is like New Years at the gym. People will start out strong, then the numbers will dwindle off, as people get used to being home. Not that I want people to not walk…I just need my space.

Fitness Challenges

My friends and family have been throwing fitness challenges my way left and right. I love it! I try to do as many as I can. There are lots of them going around on social media too. In addition, I think households should have their own fitness challenges with reward systems.

Some of the one-off challenges I’ve seen are push-ups, jump rope, sit-ups (variations) and yoga. But I’ve also seen weekly and even monthly exercise challenges. It’s really cool to tag a friend to join in, and it helps with keeping the momentum going. I love that friends are motivating each other during this time.

Have you joined any fitness challenges?

Food (Out of) Control

I am not going to even lie. I was eating like crazy last week! Part of it had to do with my period starting, but the other part was definitely my anxiety from all of the COVID-19 news. I was losing control, but I’m back to regular eating pattern now. And I’m limiting my snacking to healthy fruits and nuts. Ok…we had some cupcakes in the house. And they may have slid into my daily snacks, but they are gone now, so we can’t even worry about those anymore. I’m not buying anymore cupcakes (anytime soon).

A comedian, Deon Cole, did a PSA about eating while self-isolating. Although it was funny, he was speaking facts. So, I’m taking notes and learning that I don’t need to go in the kitchen ten times a day.

Club Quarantine

Have you all been to the D-Nice Club Quarantine parties on Instagram? They are awesome! Everybody and their mama is up in there. He hosts these live DJ sessions on his Instagram page, and everyone can just vibe out and take their mind off of the ‘Rona for a few hours. I like going for the music and the comments. It’s very entertaining and it’s a great way for friends to virtually connect since we can’t physically be together right now. Follow his IG page so you’ll be updated on his next live session.

I even read somewhere that people are “hooking up” through these live virtual parties. I’m not sure how…Maybe they are looking at comments and pictures and just messaging each other. I mean, if you looking for a boo, you may want to pop into Club Quarantine.


I’m still keeping a close eye on the stock market. I’m trying to debate what I should buy, or even if I should buy stocks now or wait to see if they go even lower (bottom out) before I purchase anything.

I haven’t even looked at any of my investment or retirement accounts lately because they all look a hot mess.

I’m definitely not selling anything right now. I’m in this for the long haul.

What Else?

The more I am in the house, the more I want to talk about various topics that have nothing to do with one another. I’m not sure if I can just save my randomness for Tuesdays, so I may need a “What’s up Wednesday” or a “Think About it Thursday” post. I don’t know. To be honest, I’m still trying to figure out how to structure this blog overall, so I’m just going with the flow until I work out the kinks.

One thing I’ve learned (and I will discuss more later) is that perfectionism can keep me stagnant at times. This blog is not perfect, and I would have never started it if I kept trying to get it perfect. I want to keep pushing out my thoughts. So, I will do that, and the structure of this platform can be built overtime as I go and grow.

I’m just glad I started blogging again. Especially on days such as this, when I just want to unleash my thoughts.

Be safe, stay home, wash your hands and moisturize!



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