I woke up late today (what’s new? LOL). After I woke up, I made a matcha green tea latte, and it was so good. My sleep schedule is totally off, but the rain made me sleep longer. Blame it on the rain…Cue the Millie Vanilli song.

Taco Tuesday

I made some salmon tacos for lunch today. They were so delicious! I actually cooked the salmon last night for dinner and used the leftovers to make my tacos today. Being creative with food is so important right now. Not only does it cure food boredom, but it helps to “stretch” your food longer.

Here is how I made my tacos:
  1. Cook or reheat the pan seared salmon
  2. Heat up 3 corn tortillas (the small circle ones) in a pan
  3. Put salmon and toppings in the tortilla
    Topping I used:
    Shredded Salad Mix (the crunchier the better)
    Sriracha Mayo
  4.  Fold tortillas over
  5. Enjoy!

You can easily make a variety of tacos with beans, mushrooms, or any type of protein filling as the base “meat”, then just add your favorite toppings. It’s so quick, easy and good!

Squares Everywhere!

Everyone is on TV talking through square boxes from home…on EVERY channel. I get it. It’s what we have to do for now, but I can’t wait to see people talking face to face again.

When I’m not watching people talking from squares, I’m binge-watching shows on Netflix. I just finished Season 3 of Ozark, which I really enjoyed. And I binge watched #blackAF in one day. It took me after two episodes to tell myself that I liked it. I’m currently watching Homeland (Showtime) and Insecure (HBO) also. I’m not binge-watching those, but I’m up to date. Besides that, anything else on TV is background noise where I’m tuning in and out.

Virtual House Party

I’m still tuning into Instagram Live DJ sets. I love the late-night sets because my sleep schedule is off anyway, and I love listening to the slow jams. It’s my thing now. Something about listening to “live” music is more enjoyable than listening to a play list. I still turn up my music apps when I’m cleaning or working out, but I am very appreciative of the DJs that are keeping us entertained during quarantine.


Have you heard about the spendemic? Apparently, there is a huge surge in spending going on…not just regular spending…but spending on luxury items. I’ll admit, I’ve been getting some “gifts” to the house, but this spendemic is more about people spending thousands of dollars. I feel like some people are being extra diligent with savings, or on the other extreme, some people are making up a reason to buy something to satisfy their boredom. Some (myself included) are saying to themselves, “since I’ve been saving money by staying home…I have a little more money to spend”.

Either way, a spendemic is happening. People are buying high priced items such as home furniture, expensive gadgets, top shelf liquor, gourmet food, and even expensive clothing and jewelry. Who knew that this was happening? And those tempting sales that the stores are sending out isn’t helping the situation. I’ve been unsubscribing left and right. They aren’t going to trap me!

At the end of the day, I’m still focused on my long term financial goals, so I hope that everyone is spending (and saving) wisely, within your means.

Please Stay Home

I read that some states are going to start slowly reopening for the economy. They can open up all they want to, but I’ll be in the house until I feel comfortable enough to go out and socialize. I am not sure why people are still out and trying to do the most at this point in time. I know it’s because this pandemic hasn’t hit close enough to home for some. Even after the states start opening up, I’m going to let the first wave of people step out first and test the waters, then I’ll jump in…I am not a guinea pig.

Forever Changed

Whether we want to realize it or not, some aspects of our lives are forever changed. Jobs, schools, technology and how we socialize will change (at least for a while). I don’t know exactly how yet or for how long, but I things will be different. One thing that is changing for sure is that businesses and institutions are focusing on innovation and being one step ahead of what they’ve been in the past. Also, I think people are going to appreciate teachers so much more than they have in the past.

What Else?

I feel like April is going by so fast! Is it just me? Well, I just hope everyone is managing the best way you can. We will get through this. We just have to stay safe and find creative ways to calm our minds until the quarantine is over.

What have you been doing? Have you started any new routines during quarantine?


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