I stayed up really late last night. Woke up early this morning. Took an afternoon nap for longer than I should have, and then I made a strong green tea at 4:00 PM. Soooo…it’s safe to say that my sleep schedule is off.

Creative Exercise

I’ve been writing random incomplete blog posts for the past couple of days, and just never liked what I wrote, so I figured I would use this random Tuesday to say hello and check in to release some thoughts. I don’t have anything in particular I want to write about. I just haven’t been feeling like writing…or rather haven’t been feeling what I’ve been writing. Creative people understand what I am saying. Sometimes your inner creativity comes to a halt…and that is ok. It eventually comes back, but sometimes, you have to coerce it by just sitting at the drafting table or by picking up a pen or pencil. It’s in you, so it will come back. I’ve been trying to exercise my creative muscles because I do know that if you keep practicing something, you will get better at it.

More Exercising

Speaking of exercise…I have not been exercising. After my last period hit me so hard, I just fell out of routine. Of course, I’m still walking daily, but I just haven’t been exercising as I should and it shows. I need to workout with some intensity. When I fall off my routine, my weight shows up in my arms and thighs first. Where does yours show up first? I need to try on some of my button-up clothes because my sweatpants have me over here thinking everything is all good…and it’s not.

True story

I was on a walk with Joseph the other day, and he looks over and says, “I didn’t know you got some new sweat pants”. I say, “I didn’t. These are old”. He tilts his said and says, “Hmm…I’ve never seen those.” (Mind you, I’ve worn these pants for years)…He goes, “I’ve never seen those…those are really fitted. Are you sure they aren’t new?” I’ll admit there has been an uptick in random packages to the house during quarantine, but definitely not new sweatpants. And I’ll also admit that although my sweatpants are easy to slide into, they may or may not be a little more snug than usual. Anyway…I proceeded to give him the hardest eye roll I’ve given in the past three months. But then, I came home and did some jump ropes immediately…so I need to keep that energy and get back into my routine.

I Did It

Random…but have you ever seen those TikTok videos saying it’s not worth it. They are hilarious. So…I broke down and purchased an iPad Pro. I talked about wanting one in a previous post, so this was not a sporadic purchase. It was actually a well-thought-out purchase. I actually had to ensure I was going to use it for not just watching movies. I am going to start using it to do digital illustration and art. Yep, that’s right. So, stay tuned! When I currently draw, it’s on random pieces of paper, and then I get too lazy to scan the sketches to share online. So, I plan to start doing digital drawings and sharing sketches straight from my iPad. Does that make sense? If not, no worries. I will be sharing more on this later. My iPad doesn’t arrive until the end of the month, but I’m excited because I know I will put it to good use.

In the News

There is so much info to take in from the news lately. The injustice, protests, the economy and talk of ‘Rona cases increasing in some cities can become really overwhelming. I stopped watching the news as much as I was watching a few weeks ago, and now I’m lost as far as when all the states are with reopening…but I’m still personally not ready, so I’m going to stay low-key for a bit longer.

Support Black Businesses

I love the support and recognition that black businesses are receiving lately. This is only a scratch on the surface, and it’s long overdue. Black businesses face more obstacles compared to their white counterparts. This topic honestly needs to be it’s own post, but I’m just writing about this because it is on my mind. I’ve discovered so many new businesses in the last couple of weeks. Just google “black owned business lists” and the resources are plentiful if you need a place to start. If you need to narrow the list down more, just add in your city name because the lists can be a bit overwhelming. Our local news station has been highlighting minority-owned businesses, so I assume other local news stations (should) are doing the same.


Since quarantine, people I know have been working on various projects they’ve been putting off, which is a good a thing. Some people are doing home projects, and others are doing personal projects. I’ve been polishing my design skills and learning new tricks on my computer, which has been a fun project for me. Check out my designs ! I’m literally adding new designs everyday. I’m really just having fun coming up with ideas, and it has been a fun, creative outlet. Let me know if you see something you want to buy, or if you want me to create something to add to the shop.

What Else?

I’ve talked about collagen before, but I must say, since I started taking it, my nails don’t break for anything. They are strong STRONG. I literally knocked my nails against a brick wall really hard the other day, and there was not a crack or nail chip in sight. Collagen has helped my hair growth (in terms of length) too, but my nails have super power now. LOL!  I’m going to clip them down to the nubs tomorrow because I’m tired of filing them every other day. And typing with them has become a chore.

Ok. I’m just talking about anything now. So, I will end the blog post here.





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