A few years ago, I created a (now defunct) blog which featured a “Tuesday Table Talk” series where I talked about random stuff. I loved it because I was able to unload my thoughts from the past week. It was also good because it acted as a springboard for ideas to create more structured blog posts the upcoming week. So, with that being said, I want to start a new series called Tea(Chi)ng Tuesday.

Tea(Chi)ng Tuesday

I will use Tuesday as a day to unload any of the thoughts in my head. I can use this day to spill any tea (my own too), but also to talk about the lessons I’ve learned. Get it? Tea(Chi)ng…LOL! Don’t judge me…I like coming up with cleaver names! Anyway…I will share any random tips I’ve picked up, and also share what I’ve been doing to keep my inner peace. This series will be random on purpose–no structure, just a place where I will be talking about random topics and answering questions, in hopes to enlighten and teach along the way. So essentially, this series is a mix of free thoughts written into a post.


To kick off the series, I want to talk about FOCUS.

I used to listen to this podcast years ago, and it always ended with reminding its listeners to FOCUS–Follow One Course Until Successful. Whenever I hear this acronym, I think about how much further along I would be in certain areas if I just stayed the course. I’ve learned that one of the key ingredients to success is consistency. So, I want to challenge myself and you to find one thing to do consistently for at least six months. I promise you will see results, because the key is consistency. Whether that means saving money, eating right, working out or working towards a specific goal, just be consistent for six months and see what happens. Then if all goes well, do six more months. I am challenging myself to post at least twice a week for six months. And I challenge you to FOCUS on one thing (a goal you want to achieve) for six months as well. Then, in September 2020, we’ll touch base and see what happened over the past six months.

So, cheers to my first Tea(chi)ng Tuesday!


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