I had a family member call the other day asking if we were still investing in stocks with all that is going on with the ‘Rona and the economy. I told her that I haven’t purchased any new stocks lately. We talked more about buying stocks and getting a “good deal”, and then I said, “Well, right now, I am really just investing my myself”. Don’t get me wrong, I am still watching the stock market, but I’ve been feeling a lot of uncertainty with what is going on because the news and “facts” are all over the place.  So instead of focusing on what is and what isn’t, I’m just going to focus on myself.

Why Is Investing in Myself Important?

This time during quarantine has really reiterated the importance of mental and physical health, amongst other things. Things such as relationships, community, finances, food, sleep, moving about and media consumption are impacting how people are dealing with this time and how we will deal with things in the future. I want to explore the returns I am getting with my everyday self-investments.

6 Things I’m Doing to Invest in Myself

I’m working towards building the life I want, so I am doing the following:

Minding My Money

Although I haven’t purchased any individual stocks lately, I just put a chunk of money into my IRA (Individual Retirement Account). I literally just did this after I submitted our taxes (which by the way is due July 15th, 2020). I figured since I didn’t go on my vacation, I can just invest that money, while also continuing to save up for my next vacay. That money was technically allocated to be spent anyway, so I’ll just put it towards my future. I figured an IRA contribution would be a good investment.  I’ve been putting money to the side and saving up for when the world really opens back up. Since I haven’t been going anywhere and curbed my online spending, I’ve been taking time to really allocate my funds towards our savings goals and building up the emergency fund. I’ve been knocking out some debt too, because one of our main goals is financial freedom. We talked to our financial advisor to ensure we are making the right money moves during this time to meet our financial goals.

Soaking Up Knowledge

I’ve had more time to read. I haven’t purchased any new books lately, but I’ve picked up some books that I already had that are worth re-reading.  I’ve honestly been reading more blogs and listening to podcasts. Audio books and podcasts are great for when you are moving about, but still want to soak in some knowledge. I’m learning something new every day, and I know it will pay off in the future.

Structured – Continual Learning

I’ve been going to YouTube University and polishing up on some of my technical skills.  There are also (free) learning courses online if you aren’t as disciplined with daily self-directed piecemeal learning. I think now is a great time to learn something new, study up for that certification, or to just dust off your old skills.

A Little Something on the Side

I started putting my ideas and designs on products to sell online. There are different platforms online, called Print on Demand where you can put your art or designs on products and get a percentage of the sales. Playing around and designing on the computer is something I love to do anyway. I also started writing my book. Ok, I just wrote out the title, but it’s a start! LOL. It’s not costing me anything, except my time. So, I might as well do what I love, and share what I create with others. If I make some money while doing so, that is a bonus. I love finding ways to make passive income, so if there is a skillset or something you can do to make a little extra money, I say go for it!

Prioritize Breaks

I feel that enjoying life, taking needed breaks and having fun is part of investing in yourself. So, I’ve just been trying to find moments to have fun and sometimes to just be still. I sometimes come up with new ideas (that could be potentially grow into something) in these moments.

Side note: Did you see that VerzuzTV battle with Bounty Killer and Beenie Man? It was so good and much needed break. I started mentally planning a trip to Jamaica as I was watching it.

Staying Healthy (Mental and Physical)

As I mentioned before, my health is so important to me. I talked to a doctor over face-time for the first time and I loved it. Now is the time, if you are able, to follow up on any health concerns you may have. Lots of doctors are doing consultations online or via face-time, so you can still manage some things that are health related even if you can’t go in for an actual in-office visit. In addition to health checks, I’m still practicing self-care. I’m just now coming back from a horrible menstrual period, but I’m back on track with working out and eating right. I need some form of movement every day, so I’ve been continuing with my daily walks, and your girl is up to 400 jump ropes daily. I try and throw in some other exercises as well…but I’ll be honest, I haven’t been consistent…only with walking and jump roping. Don’t forget there are a plethora of free workout videos out there. The health resources are endless. Being healthy increases productivity, and this can lead to a promotion, more money or any other added bonuses. I’m definitely making an investment in my health and well-being, and focusing on centering my chi…positive vibes only.

I’m an Asset to My Future

Basically, I want to make sure I am doing the things today that will pay off in the future. Investopedia defines investment as “an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth…” With that being said, I’m going to use this time to build now, so that I can thank myself later. There are plenty of ways to invest in yourself for free if you can’t afford a financial investment in yourself right now. So, I hope this blog post encourages you do something today that your future self will thank you for.



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