I’ve been on a roll with going on my neighborhood walks and then coming home doing my ab exercises.  I may just come out of the ‘Rona quarantine looking better than when this all started. So, if you see me rocking my crop tops, you already know what it is. LOL!

Positive Vibes Only

On my walk yesterday, I’ve been feeling and seeing the positive vibes. I already discussed the positive benefits of walking. But to see that someone took time to send a positive message to those on a walk, really felt great and inspiring.

I’m Inspired

Some anonymous person in my neighborhood has been chalking positive messages on the sidewalks, for people to see as they walk around the neighborhood. I first noticed it other day while on my walk. I thought it was an one-off random message. But then I saw another chalk message that read, “Keep Going”. Then I walked across another that said, “You’re doing great!”. I started laughing when I saw the message that read, “Don’t lie like a whore”. Ok! Note taken!

I started to walk faster, to read the upcoming messages that came with each step forward. It inspired me to keep walking, and I felt the energy of everyone around me who was walking and reading as well.  Who thought of this great idea?!

Then today, I noticed another positive message with a different handwriting in another part of my neighborhood. This person obviously got the message to pass along the chalky positive vibes.  So, now I want to join in on sending some good vibrations. As soon as I get my hands on some colorful chalk, I will take a moment to write and inspire someone else on their walk.

You Should Join In Too!

It would be cool for neighborhoods all over to do this (with social distancing of course). So, check out these cool and inspiring messages that I walked across, and maybe you’ll be inspired to inspire someone else too! Here are some message that I saw on my walk.

Kindness Makes the World Go Around

Believe in You

Have a Great Day!!

Look on the Bright Side of Life

Don’t Listen to the Haters

Don’t Give Up

Stay Positive!

You Look Great 🙂

Do you have any positive messages or quotes you can share? Have you ever paid it forward with positive vibes?  Now, more than ever, we need more people to spread love!

So, I challenge you to join in the #walkandchalkchallenge (while social distancing of course!)

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